
The Quitman ISD Health Services Department works with students, parents, teachers, and other school and community professionals to remove health barriers to learning.  The purpose of school health is:

•to enhance the learning process by creating a safe and healthy school environment for students to exist in.

•to promote a health-conscious lifestyle for the student to result in the ability of that student to function productively.

•to keep well and happy children in school a maximum number of days.

•to teach children wholesome and healthy attitudes toward physical, mental, and moral growth.

•to motivate and cultivate positive health habits and self esteem.

•to reduce the incidence of student morbidity and absenteeism related to accidents, illness, and communicable disease.

The health and well-being of each student is a collaborative effort between parents, guardians, the community, and the school.  It is imperative that you keep the school informed of changes in medications, medical conditions, and contact information so that we can be best prepared in emergency situations.  

Vision & Hearing Screening

State law requires that children enrolled in Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th Grade must be screened for vision and hearing in the fall semester.

The purpose of these screenings is to assist in early detection of vision and/or hearing impairment. Early detection can prevent the development of a physical dilemma that can affect a child’s ability to learn and thrive in school and at home.

The screening procedure is simple. The school nursing staff has been trained and certified to check your child’s vision and hearing.  

Parents will be notified of the results of the screening if professional follow-up is necessary. This screening does not replace your child’s need for regular healthcare and check-ups. 

If you have any questions, please contact the campus clinic at (903) 763-5000 and enter the corresponding extension.


The duties of the SHAC range from recommending curriculum to developing strategies for integrating curriculum into a coordinated school health program encompassing issues such as school health services, counseling services, a safe and healthy school environment, recess recommendations, improving student fitness, mental health concerns, and employee wellness.   

 Quitman ISD is committed to encouraging healthy students and therefore has developed a board-adopted wellness policy at FFA(LOCAL) and corresponding plans and procedures to implement the policy. You are encouraged to contact the school nurse with questions about the content or implementation of the district’s wellness policy and plan.

Campus Contacts


Stacey Teaff, RN

(903) 763-5000 ext. 1911


Junior/High School

Stephanie Vance, RN

(903) 763-5000 ext. 3911



Stephanie Vance, RN